Module dexa_sdk.agreements.dda.v1_0.models.dda_instance_models
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import typing
from marshmallow import fields, EXCLUDE
from aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from .fields.context_field import ContextField
from .dda_models import (
class DataUsingServiceModel(BaseModel):
"""Data using service model"""
class Meta:
# Schema class
schema_class = "DataUsingServiceSchema"
def __init__(
did: str,
name: str,
legal_id: str,
url: str,
industry_sector: str,
usage_purposes: str,
jurisdiction: str,
withdrawal: str,
privacy_rights: str,
signature_contact: str,
# Call the parent constructor
# Set the model attributes
self.did = did = name
self.legal_id = legal_id
self.url = url
self.industry_sector = industry_sector
self.usage_purposes = usage_purposes
self.jurisdiction = jurisdiction
self.withdrawal = withdrawal
self.privacy_rights = privacy_rights
self.signature_contact = signature_contact
class DataUsingServiceSchema(BaseModelSchema):
"""Data using service schema"""
class Meta:
# Model class
model_class = DataUsingServiceModel
# Exclude unknown fields
unknown = EXCLUDE
did = fields.Str(data_key="did", required=True)
name = fields.Str(data_key="name", required=True)
legal_id = fields.Str(data_key="legalId", required=True)
url = fields.Str(data_key="url", required=True)
industry_sector = fields.Str(data_key="industrySector", required=True)
usage_purposes = fields.Str(data_key="usagePurposes", required=True)
jurisdiction = fields.Str(data_key="jurisdiction", required=True)
withdrawal = fields.Str(data_key="withdrawal", required=True)
privacy_rights = fields.Str(data_key="privacyRights", required=True)
signature_contact = fields.Str(data_key="signatureContact", required=True)
class ProofModel(BaseModel):
"""Proof model"""
class Meta:
# Schema class
schema_class = "ProofSchema"
def __init__(
id: str,
type: str,
created: str,
verification_method: str,
proof_purpose: str,
proof_value: str,
# Call the parent constructor
# Set the model attributes = id
self.type = type
self.created = created
self.verification_method = verification_method
self.proof_purpose = proof_purpose
self.proof_value = proof_value
class ProofSchema(BaseModelSchema):
"""Proof schema"""
class Meta:
# Model class
model_class = ProofModel
# Exclude unknown fields
unknown = EXCLUDE
# Proof identifier
id = fields.Str(data_key="id", required=True)
# Signature schema type (For e.g. ed25519, es256 e.t.c.)
type = fields.Str(data_key="type", required=True)
# Proof creation time (ISO 8601 UTC)
created = fields.Str(data_key="created", required=True)
# Should match the data_using_service did
verification_method = fields.Str(data_key="verificationMethod", required=True)
# Contract agreement (Type inferred from JSON-LD spec)
proof_purpose = fields.Str(data_key="proofPurpose", required=True)
# Proof value
proof_value = fields.Str(data_key="proofValue", required=True)
class DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceModel(BaseModel):
"""Data disclosure agreement model"""
class Meta:
# Schema class
schema_class = "DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceSchema"
def __init__(
context: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = DDA_DEFAULT_CONTEXT,
id: str,
type: typing.List[str] = DDA_TYPE,
language: str,
version: str,
template_id: str = None,
template_version: str = None,
data_controller: DataControllerModel,
agreement_period: int,
data_sharing_restrictions: DataSharingRestrictionsModel,
purpose: str,
purpose_description: str,
lawful_basis: str,
personal_data: typing.List[PersonalDataModel],
code_of_conduct: str,
data_using_service: DataUsingServiceModel,
proof: ProofModel = None,
proof_chain: typing.List[ProofModel] = None,
# Call the parent constructor
# Set model attributes
self.context = context = id
self.type = type
self.version = version
self.template_id = template_id
self.template_version = template_version
self.language = language
self.data_controller = data_controller
self.agreement_period = agreement_period
self.data_sharing_restrictions = data_sharing_restrictions
self.purpose = purpose
self.purpose_description = purpose_description
self.lawful_basis = lawful_basis
self.personal_data = personal_data
self.code_of_conduct = code_of_conduct
self.data_using_service = data_using_service
self.proof = proof
self.proof_chain = proof_chain
class DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceSchema(BaseModelSchema):
"""Data disclosure agreement schema"""
class Meta:
# Model class
model_class = DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceModel
# Exclude unknown fields
unknown = EXCLUDE
# Defines the context of this document. E.g. the link the JSON-LD
context = ContextField(
data_key="@context", required=True, example=DDA_DEFAULT_CONTEXT
# Identifier to the data disclosure agreement instance
# addressed to a specific DUS
id = fields.Str(data_key="@id", required=True)
# Type of the agreement
type = fields.List(fields.Str, data_key="@type", required=True, example=DDA_TYPE)
# Version number of the data disclosure agreement
version = fields.Str(data_key="version", required=True)
# Identifier to the template of the data disclosure agreement
template_id = fields.Str(data_key="templateId", required=False)
# Version number of the data disclosure agreement template
template_version = fields.Str(data_key="templateVersion", required=False)
# language used. If not present default language is English
language = fields.Str(data_key="language", required=True)
# Encapsulates the data controller data
data_controller = fields.Nested(
DataControllerSchema, data_key="dataController", required=True
# Duration of the agreement after which the
# data disclosure agreement expires
agreement_period = fields.Int(data_key="agreementPeriod", required=True)
# Used by the DS to configure any data sharing restrictions
# towards the DUS. This could reuse the
# data agreement policy parameters as is.
data_sharing_restrictions = fields.Nested(
DataSharingRestrictionsSchema, data_key="dataSharingRestrictions", required=True
# Describes the purpose for which the data source shares
# personal data as described in the
# data agreement [values based on W3C DPV Purposes]
purpose = fields.Str(data_key="purpose", required=True)
# Additional description of the purpose
# for which the data source shares personal data
purpose_description = fields.Str(data_key="purposeDescription", required=True)
# Indicate the lawful basis for sharing personal data.
# These can be consent, legal obligation, contract, vital interest,
# public task or legitimate_interest. [values based on W3C DPV legal basis]
lawful_basis = fields.Str(data_key="lawfulBasis", required=True)
# Encapsulates the attributes shared by the data source
personal_data = fields.List(
fields.Nested(PersonalDataSchema), data_key="personalData", required=True
# The code of conduct is followed by the data source.
# This provides the proper application of privacy regulation
# taking into account specific features within a sector.
# The code of conduct shall reference the name of the code of conduct
# and with a publicly accessible reference.
code_of_conduct = fields.Str(data_key="codeOfConduct", required=True)
# The data using services that have signed up for consuming data.
# This get populated after the data disclosure agreement
# is proposed by the data using service
data_using_service = fields.Nested(
DataUsingServiceSchema, data_key="dataUsingService", required=True
# Encapsulates the event signatures that allows anyone (e.g. an auditor)
# to verify the authencity and source of the data disclosure agreement.
# Its uses linked data proofs as per W3C and contains a set of attributes
# that represent a Linked Data digital proof
# and the parameters required to verify it.
proof = fields.Nested(ProofSchema, data_key="proof", required=False)
proof_chain = fields.List(
fields.Nested(ProofSchema), data_key="proofChain", required=False
class DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceModel (*, context: Union[str, List[str]] = ['', ''], id: str, type: List[str] = ['DataDisclosureAgreement'], language: str, version: str, template_id: str = None, template_version: str = None, data_controller: DataControllerModel, agreement_period: int, data_sharing_restrictions: DataSharingRestrictionsModel, purpose: str, purpose_description: str, lawful_basis: str, personal_data: List[PersonalDataModel], code_of_conduct: str, data_using_service: DataUsingServiceModel, proof: ProofModel = None, proof_chain: List[ProofModel] = None, **kwargs)
Data disclosure agreement model
Initialize BaseModel.
- If schema_class is not set on Meta
Expand source code
class DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceModel(BaseModel): """Data disclosure agreement model""" class Meta: # Schema class schema_class = "DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceSchema" def __init__( self, *, context: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = DDA_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, id: str, type: typing.List[str] = DDA_TYPE, language: str, version: str, template_id: str = None, template_version: str = None, data_controller: DataControllerModel, agreement_period: int, data_sharing_restrictions: DataSharingRestrictionsModel, purpose: str, purpose_description: str, lawful_basis: str, personal_data: typing.List[PersonalDataModel], code_of_conduct: str, data_using_service: DataUsingServiceModel, proof: ProofModel = None, proof_chain: typing.List[ProofModel] = None, **kwargs ): # Call the parent constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) # Set model attributes self.context = context = id self.type = type self.version = version self.template_id = template_id self.template_version = template_version self.language = language self.data_controller = data_controller self.agreement_period = agreement_period self.data_sharing_restrictions = data_sharing_restrictions self.purpose = purpose self.purpose_description = purpose_description self.lawful_basis = lawful_basis self.personal_data = personal_data self.code_of_conduct = code_of_conduct self.data_using_service = data_using_service self.proof = proof self.proof_chain = proof_chain
- aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base.BaseModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var Meta
class DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceSchema (*args, **kwargs)
Data disclosure agreement schema
Initialize BaseModelSchema.
- If model_class is not set on Meta
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class DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Data disclosure agreement schema""" class Meta: # Model class model_class = DataDisclosureAgreementInstanceModel # Exclude unknown fields unknown = EXCLUDE # Defines the context of this document. E.g. the link the JSON-LD context = ContextField( data_key="@context", required=True, example=DDA_DEFAULT_CONTEXT ) # Identifier to the data disclosure agreement instance # addressed to a specific DUS id = fields.Str(data_key="@id", required=True) # Type of the agreement type = fields.List(fields.Str, data_key="@type", required=True, example=DDA_TYPE) # Version number of the data disclosure agreement version = fields.Str(data_key="version", required=True) # Identifier to the template of the data disclosure agreement template_id = fields.Str(data_key="templateId", required=False) # Version number of the data disclosure agreement template template_version = fields.Str(data_key="templateVersion", required=False) # language used. If not present default language is English language = fields.Str(data_key="language", required=True) # Encapsulates the data controller data data_controller = fields.Nested( DataControllerSchema, data_key="dataController", required=True ) # Duration of the agreement after which the # data disclosure agreement expires agreement_period = fields.Int(data_key="agreementPeriod", required=True) # Used by the DS to configure any data sharing restrictions # towards the DUS. This could reuse the # data agreement policy parameters as is. data_sharing_restrictions = fields.Nested( DataSharingRestrictionsSchema, data_key="dataSharingRestrictions", required=True ) # Describes the purpose for which the data source shares # personal data as described in the # data agreement [values based on W3C DPV Purposes] purpose = fields.Str(data_key="purpose", required=True) # Additional description of the purpose # for which the data source shares personal data purpose_description = fields.Str(data_key="purposeDescription", required=True) # Indicate the lawful basis for sharing personal data. # These can be consent, legal obligation, contract, vital interest, # public task or legitimate_interest. [values based on W3C DPV legal basis] lawful_basis = fields.Str(data_key="lawfulBasis", required=True) # Encapsulates the attributes shared by the data source personal_data = fields.List( fields.Nested(PersonalDataSchema), data_key="personalData", required=True ) # The code of conduct is followed by the data source. # This provides the proper application of privacy regulation # taking into account specific features within a sector. # The code of conduct shall reference the name of the code of conduct # and with a publicly accessible reference. code_of_conduct = fields.Str(data_key="codeOfConduct", required=True) # The data using services that have signed up for consuming data. # This get populated after the data disclosure agreement # is proposed by the data using service data_using_service = fields.Nested( DataUsingServiceSchema, data_key="dataUsingService", required=True ) # Encapsulates the event signatures that allows anyone (e.g. an auditor) # to verify the authencity and source of the data disclosure agreement. # Its uses linked data proofs as per W3C and contains a set of attributes # that represent a Linked Data digital proof # and the parameters required to verify it. proof = fields.Nested(ProofSchema, data_key="proof", required=False) proof_chain = fields.List( fields.Nested(ProofSchema), data_key="proofChain", required=False )
- aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base.BaseModelSchema
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
Class variables
var Meta
var opts
class DataUsingServiceModel (*, did: str, name: str, legal_id: str, url: str, industry_sector: str, usage_purposes: str, jurisdiction: str, withdrawal: str, privacy_rights: str, signature_contact: str, **kwargs)
Data using service model
Initialize BaseModel.
- If schema_class is not set on Meta
Expand source code
class DataUsingServiceModel(BaseModel): """Data using service model""" class Meta: # Schema class schema_class = "DataUsingServiceSchema" def __init__( self, *, did: str, name: str, legal_id: str, url: str, industry_sector: str, usage_purposes: str, jurisdiction: str, withdrawal: str, privacy_rights: str, signature_contact: str, **kwargs ): # Call the parent constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) # Set the model attributes self.did = did = name self.legal_id = legal_id self.url = url self.industry_sector = industry_sector self.usage_purposes = usage_purposes self.jurisdiction = jurisdiction self.withdrawal = withdrawal self.privacy_rights = privacy_rights self.signature_contact = signature_contact
- aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base.BaseModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var Meta
class DataUsingServiceSchema (*args, **kwargs)
Data using service schema
Initialize BaseModelSchema.
- If model_class is not set on Meta
Expand source code
class DataUsingServiceSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Data using service schema""" class Meta: # Model class model_class = DataUsingServiceModel # Exclude unknown fields unknown = EXCLUDE did = fields.Str(data_key="did", required=True) name = fields.Str(data_key="name", required=True) legal_id = fields.Str(data_key="legalId", required=True) url = fields.Str(data_key="url", required=True) industry_sector = fields.Str(data_key="industrySector", required=True) usage_purposes = fields.Str(data_key="usagePurposes", required=True) jurisdiction = fields.Str(data_key="jurisdiction", required=True) withdrawal = fields.Str(data_key="withdrawal", required=True) privacy_rights = fields.Str(data_key="privacyRights", required=True) signature_contact = fields.Str(data_key="signatureContact", required=True)
- aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base.BaseModelSchema
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
Class variables
var Meta
var opts
class ProofModel (*, id: str, type: str, created: str, verification_method: str, proof_purpose: str, proof_value: str, **kwargs)
Proof model
Initialize BaseModel.
- If schema_class is not set on Meta
Expand source code
class ProofModel(BaseModel): """Proof model""" class Meta: # Schema class schema_class = "ProofSchema" def __init__( self, *, id: str, type: str, created: str, verification_method: str, proof_purpose: str, proof_value: str, **kwargs ): # Call the parent constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) # Set the model attributes = id self.type = type self.created = created self.verification_method = verification_method self.proof_purpose = proof_purpose self.proof_value = proof_value
- aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base.BaseModel
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var Meta
class ProofSchema (*args, **kwargs)
Proof schema
Initialize BaseModelSchema.
- If model_class is not set on Meta
Expand source code
class ProofSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Proof schema""" class Meta: # Model class model_class = ProofModel # Exclude unknown fields unknown = EXCLUDE # Proof identifier id = fields.Str(data_key="id", required=True) # Signature schema type (For e.g. ed25519, es256 e.t.c.) type = fields.Str(data_key="type", required=True) # Proof creation time (ISO 8601 UTC) created = fields.Str(data_key="created", required=True) # Should match the data_using_service did verification_method = fields.Str(data_key="verificationMethod", required=True) # Contract agreement (Type inferred from JSON-LD spec) proof_purpose = fields.Str(data_key="proofPurpose", required=True) # Proof value proof_value = fields.Str(data_key="proofValue", required=True)
- aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base.BaseModelSchema
- marshmallow.schema.Schema
- marshmallow.base.SchemaABC
Class variables
var Meta
var opts